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Work & Business Yagyas

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  • Work & Business Yagyas
  • Yagya for Finding Suitable Job

    To have suitable job is important to live the fullness of you creation capacity. With a job which suits to your needs and to your personality your life can be better. Find the job which is the best for your talent.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Creating Harmony with Co-Workers

    If you don't have perfect harmony with co-workers, your work can't be perfect. Create harmony with them, and your life at your workplace will be better, and your work will be more effective.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Gaining more Work

    Some people are complaining about having not enough work. Don't complain, order this yagya and gain more work with the support of it.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Promotion at Work

    You have the chance to facilitate your promotion at work with yagya.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Gaining more Clients

    Sometimes you feel, that you need more clients to have a firm and secured income and life. In this case don't hesitate to order this yagya.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Releasing Stresses from Work

    Stresses are really common nowadays for workers because of the highly strung pace of life. Stresses poison your life and they are the base of illnesses. Get rid of them with this yagya.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Extend the Business

    Extending business can means extending in territory, purchasing competitors, installing new products, conquer new fields of business. This yagya can helps you in this.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Starting new Business

    Changing is the base of our relative life. If you wish to start new business, you have to change; you have to explore new territories. This yagya helps you in starting new business.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Improving Convincing Power

    Many jobs require good convincing power, which can help you in realizing new customers, more profit, new possibilities. This yagya helps you in improving convincing power.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Bringing Name and Fame

    This yagya brings you name and fame.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Finishing the Pending Works

    Sometimes you postpone your duties or your tasks, which accumulate. Other times you want to finish a work, but you don't feel to have enough energy for it. There is the chance with this yagya to finish the pending works at last.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Fulfill Ambitions

    After fulfilling ambitions you feel satisfaction. Why not to use yagya to help in this?

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Increase Communication Skill

    Good communication skill is the base to be successful in many different territories in life. This yagya is for increasing communication skill.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Long Lasting Partnership in Business

    Business is developing step by step. Long lasting partnership can create stability in your business in this changing world. Promote it with this yagya.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Increase Sales

    If you are not satisfied with the efficiency of your venture, and you want to increase the sales, try this yagya. With increased sales you can have bigger income, bigger venture.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya For Customer Satisfaction

    Customer satisfaction gives you feedback from your work. If the customer is satisfied your activity is harmonious and your work is fruitful. Satisfied customers are the best advertisements to your work, they can help you in gaining more orders in the future and gaining name within your profession. This yagya is also good for compromise the disagreements.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Support from Employee

    Within a company people work together to reach the desired results. You can get maximum result having the right support from employees. This yagya helps you in gaining that.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Support from Business Partner

    If you wish for maximum support from your business partner, chose this yagya.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for Inauguration of Shop /Company

    Inauguration yagya for your new company or new shop helps you in removing the obstacles from the way of your new venture, gives you prosperity.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya to Promote Management Skills

    A people needs to have many skills to be a good manager. If you feel that some of them you have, but some of them you don't possess, you can have support from this yagya in promoting your management skills.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for General Fulfillment in Work

    This yagya brings you general satisfaction and fulfillment in your work.

    0.00 USD
  • Corporate Success Yagya

    For the success of company, increased sales, good income, and protection. Yagya covers the owner, company, employee and competitors.

    0.00 USD
  • Monthly Corporate Success Yagya for a Year

    For the success of company, increased sales, good income, and protection. Yagya covers the owner, company, employee and competitors. This complex package is to cover one year and consists of 12 yagyas which are performed at the beginning of every month. If you choose 'A' category, each performances are held for 9 days with 9 pandits. If you choose the 'B' category the 12 yagyas are held for 7 days with 9 pandits.

    0.00 USD
  • Yagya for peaceful settlement of business partnership

    There are mental and financial losses which are experienced between two business partners to reach a peaceful financial settlement with each other due to any reason. This Yagya is very effective for satisfactory separation.
    0.00 USD